In the state of Washington lies the heart of the rain-soaked Pacific Northwest. Famous for the totem poles of the Northwest Coast Indians, the spectacular scenery and the abundant land
and sea resources allowed indigenous people to uniquely interpret their role in nature for thousand of years. “The Earth is our mother” and the “Sun is our father" were common expressions among the
Indians of the Pacific Northwest.
The various tribes of Washington co-existed peacefully until the arrival of European explorers
who were intent on taking as much of the natural resources as they could. But
even during then first few hundred years of contact with foreigners, the land remained mostly unexplored virgin territory. Only 300 settlers lived north of the Columbia River in the early 1800’a when
Washington was part of the Oregon territory. It became its own territory in 1853.
The population boomed after the railroad came through in the 1880’s leading to statehood
in 1889. the growth of the timber industry and the lucrative outfitting of the
Klondike gold rushers in the late 1890’s paved the way for a complete transformation away from the Native American fishing
settlements to the Modern Age, dominated today by aircraft manufacturing and technology sectors.
The Cascade Mountain Range stretches from southern British Columbia in Canada to Northern
CA and encompasses many sacred peaks that stand out like snow-capped jewels in this spectacular volcanic mountain chain. The mot renowned Cascade Volcanoes are Mt. Ranier, Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Baker. A variety of Native American sites can be found in nearby caves, hot and cold water
springs and dormant volcano vents.
A truly amazing aspect of the Cascades is how the new the mountain range is and how steep
the mountains rise. The base of Mt Ranier soars above the sea level of Tacoma
to 14,410 feet as the tallest mountain in the Cascade Range as well as the tallest peak in Washington State. Most of the Cascade Volcanoes are typified bt deep vocanic gorges shadowed by some of the loftiest
peaks on the North American Continent. Because the mountains lie just east of
the rain drenched Pacific Coast, the western slopes blend off into high desert terrain.
Native Americans particularly revered Mt. Ranier, calling it "Takoma" meaning, the "Great
White Mountain." They refused to disgrace the glacier-clad peak by climbing it
and gave it a wide berth when passing nearby. Early European explorers found
that the Indians were actually afraid of the mountain-- it was one of the few areas they were unable to guide the explorers.
This area remained totally unexplored until the mid 19th century. Native Americans also claimed the mountain was an active volcano with a :lake of fire” at the summit. These legends were dismissed as folklore until the first ascent of the peak in 1870
confirmed numerous steam vents and a lake at the top formed by melting snow.
Geologists have verified the Indian legends dating the last Mt. Ranier eruption to 5800
years ago. Each of the Cascade Volcanoes is cloaked in myth and folklore. Mt. Saint Helens is called the Little Sister by tribes of the Pacific Northwest. Mt Ranier is her grandfather.
In some of the most remote and deeply forested regions of the Pacific Northwest, particularly
around the wilderness regions of the Cascades, have been hundreds of sightings of Bigfoot.
Described as being anthropomorphic with somewhat human facial features, 8-10 feet between 800-1000 pounds, excessively
hairy, horrible smelling, omnivorous, mostly but not exclusively nocturnal, solitary and essentially gentile. The Chehalis Indians of British Columbia named this creature Sasquatch.
Another phenomena of the Cascade volcanoes is the numerous UFO sightings above the mountain tops. Many recordings and stories have been documented of occurrences including multiple silver discs moving
in formations. According to many UFO researchers, these extraterrestrial visitors
regularly come into this area. They explain that the volcanoes contain large subterranean cavities where inter-dimensional spacecraft can re-materialize
into our 3rd dimensional world unmolested. Military aircraft, especially
black helicopters are commonly seen in this same airspace shortly following a UFO sighting.
Such reporting on paranormal activity only increases the legends and folklores of the Cascade Volcanoes.
Mount Baker, Washington