Snowcapped Mt. Shasta is located in the upper regions of northern California in the Shasta
Trinity National Forest. It is a is a massive dominant stratum white giant standing
14,162 foot volcano situated in the largest zone of volcanoes in the world called the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Mount Shasta is in a section of this ring called the Cascade Range,
which begins where the Sierra Nevadas end and extends about 700 miles from northern California through Oregon and Washington
into southern British Columbia. These volcanoes range in elevations from 9,500
feet to a towering height of more than 14,000 feet. Mount Shasta is the second tallest volcano in this range.
Mount Shasta is considered the most widely known sacred site of California. Towering above the Cascade foothills, Shasta is surrounded by five glaciers that hold it in place. This sacred moutain emits such a strong energy pattern that sattelite photos show
an atmospheric hole over its peak similar to Sedona, Arizona.
Because of the strong geophysical forces within the mountain, there are steam vents, hot and cold
springs, purification sites, electrical centers and caverns that have been used as power spots by the indigenous natives for
hundreds of years. There are many types of phenomena that occur on and near Mt Shasta as this mountain exhibits strong frequencies
that create light shows.
All around the Mt Shasta area are extinct and dormant volcanos, cinder cones, volumes of artesian
springs, sacred caves and mystical caverns. The mountain carries a dominant characteristic of its versatile power, a
power that seems to get stronger every day.
Over the last seventy years numerous travelers have reported encounters with Higher Dimension
beings who live beneath and around the holy mountain of Mt. Shasta California.
UFO sightings have also become so commonplace there that there are books published with
numerous photographs of craft so large they even dwarf the mountain itself. Vision
quests, ceremonies and camping expeditions have all seen, heard and felt the powerful vortex that is Mt. Shasta.
Mt Shasta is also a site where people gather to perform sweat lodge and purification ceremonies.
The intense purification of steam and heat within the sweat lodge mimics what is going on inside the mountain. The darkness
of the lodge is almost maternal and stirs the goddess energy of one's spirit. The ceremony directs itself to the physical
and spiritual cleansing of an individual as does the sacred mountain.
Many experiences have been documented from people all over the world from seeing UFO craft come
in and out of this mountain; mysterious openings in side the mountian where advanced inhabitants live; vortex energies &
portals; mysterious lights that seem to come from inside the mountain; mountain energy fields that glow and much more.
It is widely beleived that there are civilizations of highly evolved beings residing within the
mountain. Some are beleived to be in another dimension that are not not currently visible and yet at times many people
from all over the world have experienced a diverse range of phenomena that continues to expand the mysteries of this spiritual
sacred grounds.
Mt Shasta is legenday and known as one of the homes of the Ascended Masters where Saints &
Angelic Beings have made their presence known over the centuries. Ancient legends
of Mount Shasta reveal this holy site as where the Ancient Ones lived as Heaven on Earth
like they did in Asgard and Mount Olympus. Ascended Master, St. Germain’s
energy continuously radiates from the Temple of the Violet Flame deep in the inner recesses of the mountain. Many people all over the world see these myterious lights and glowing energy emmisions coming from this
sacred moutain.
Many beleive other Masters influence the energy of this area including the Invisible Council of
12 who hail from all around the Omniverse and are making this their headquarters during the Age of Aquarius that brings peace,
love, abundance and wisdom.
It is
beleived that Mt Shasta embodies the head of a huge geographical dove etheric energy grid anchoring the keys for the center of the Earth's Merk-a-bah that connects with a universal grid of incoming energetics from
the Pleiades.
This sacred mountain has given many people centuries of access to its energy centers. The
pristine meadows, graceful slopes and isolated beauty of the mountain continues to provide a haven for those who seek sanctuary
from the world that lies at its feet.
There are 12 known sacred sites in the Mt. Shasta area. These sites have a long lineage of
many spiritual histories in the legends, folklores and mysteries as passed down through the centuries. These 12 sacred
sites include the following:
Panther Meadows-- is a sacred site that all the Native Indians revered for its power, medicine and tranquility.
Native Americans consider the springs that run throughout upper and lower Panthr Meadows to be sacred power points.
At an elevation of 7600 feet on Mt Shasta, Panther meadows is a magickal place revered as an ancient destination
point for spiritual seekers.
Panther Meadows is inside a special vortex within the larger vortex of Mt Shasta itself.
It is considered a doorway between dimensions. The indigenous Wintu & Karuk Natives used this place for reflection, vision
quests and meditation. Ascended Masters, including St. Germain with his
panther, as well as angelic beings have been seen here. Many have experienced
the elemental energies of the elves, fairies, gnomes, nature spirits as well as seeing “Pan,” who rules the
nature kingdom. There is a sacred power point spring called Upper Panthers Meadows Spring with ancient rock formations
consisting of rock altars and medicine circles surrounding the meadow. The springs's
headwaters originate in Upper Panther Meadows and are called the "Mouth of God" by the natives. These springs are the beginning of the McCloud River.
Burney Falls-- where the earliest known inhabitants enjoyed the falls as a place of vision and meditation.
The springs above the falls come welling up in a profuse abundance and spill over a 129 foot high cliff plummeting into a
large emerald-green pool below. Rainbows are formed in the waterfall mists. People sesnitive to the elemental
energies have reported seeing the female diva or water spirit named Undine. She is 15-inches tall, composed of iridescent
colors and has been seen emereging from the midsts of the main falls. She is also seen perched upon the rocks over which
the water falls.
Castel Crags-- The awe inspiring granite spires rock formations over 225 million years old of Castle Ctrags
towers over 6500 feet. Legends talk about this area being part of the remains of Lemuira or the motherland referrd to
as Mu. Former ranger Frank Bacon discovered 6 ancient ancient symbols chiseled into the banks of Castle Creek, all of
which were listed in the LOST CONTINENT OF MU by Churchward. The ancient symbols include symbols of the four rivers of life
& eternity. Symbols are in the form of a swastika, Maltese Cross, the triangle, the all seeing eye, the serpent
and the three steps to the throne.
Many beleive that Castle Crags, Mt Shasta, Black Butte Mountain and Burney Faslls are all connected
by underground passageways which present day Lemurians and initiates use. Over the years many people have reported many
UFO sightings in the area. It is widely beleived Castle Crags is another interdimensional vortex of energy and a gateway
to other dimensions while in meditation. People find great peace, restfulness and spiritual guidance here.
Castle Lake-- is nestled in a High Sierra-like setting and is one of the oldest true alpine lakes of the area.
Local Legend states that in the 1960's saucer landings were common on top of its western cliffs. People were able to
see the burned out spot and hole where one of the many saucers had landed. The granite wall that forms the back of the
lake is connected to the energy of Castle Crags.
At one time, Castle Lake was a camp for local Native Indians. To this day, many people hear
the laughter of the children and see the tribes' lodges in ethereal visions around the lake. Castle Lake is a power
point or holds a "spirit of place" for transmuting world aggression through prayer and meditation while gazing into the Castle
Lake area.
Heart Lake-- Castle Lake is the gateway to Heart Lake. This beautiful small lake is only be reached by foot.
The hiking trail carries a stong imprinted energy from the ancestors. The hike begins on the eastern trail at Castle
Lake and quickly ascends up a ruged path. Heart Lake is a special place for meditation and for receiving loving energies.
This is a sacred site for increasing the capacity for a deep connection with Mother Earth. It carries a vibration
that enables one to ground your intentions regarding all that you love.
Hedge Creek Falls-- From the little city of Dunsmuir, a simple path leads down a small ravine to a grotto of granite
slabs with a spiritual spring falling from a cleft in the rocks above. Known for its tranquility energy
for meditation, there are many powerful nature spirits in this area. The tranquil pool at the bottom of the falls is
a site for cleansing and purification. Walking behind the falls is a powerful vortex field where ancient energies can
be felt and experienced. The elemental spirits are said to be very active as this power spot brings together the earth
and water elementals. Many healers come here to recharge and expand their energy fields.
McCloud Falls-- is a collection of 3 falls (Lower, Middle & Upper), each of which is different and special
it a unique way. The entire McCloud Falls area is sacred and holy ground to Native Americans who made their homes on
the creek shores. The falls are known for their magickal ability to clear any emotional disturbance, thus leaving you
renewed and refreshed.
Lower McCloud Falls is the smallest of the McCloud Falls, a 12-foot plunge into a giant pool. The falls are wide and regal-looking
where plenty of boulders downstream make good perches for feeling the negative charged ion energies. Elephant ears grow in
and around the falls, and water ouzels somehow manage to build their homes behind the fall's tremendous flow of water.
Lower Falls was a sacred site to many Native Indians who knew the importance of the tiny Dipper bird which flies low and plunges
in and out of the cascading water. The creek behind the falls has a mystical energy for expanding creativity.
Middle McCloud Falls drops 50 feet over a cliff and then forms a deep pool at its base. It
is at least twice as wide as it is tall, adding breadth to its grandeur. The resulting flow is lavish, especially in
springtime. A series of long switchbacks take you gently up the grade to the top of Middle Falls, where there is
a vortex energy field near a rock outcrop on the fall's brink and the creek above it. There are tranquil
winding paths along the creek.
Middle McCloud Falls spread a sheet of falling water over a lava cliff that is
one of the most spectacular wide river falls in Northern California. It lures photographers from all over the world
with its powerful and commanding presence but yet has a wondrous beauty with an almost delicate nature. It's as
if the fall is constantly making a statement, something like, "There may be other falls on this river, but I am the king."
A rock shelf at the top of these falls allows for standing and amplifies one's energy field. This sacred site is known
to amplify creativity and boost energy.
Upper McCloud Falls is the most inaccessible of all the 3 McCloud Waterfalls as it rushes down a tall canyon of solid rock.
The upward trail eventually flattens out where Upper McCloud Falls clings to the edge of the canyon wall. This
waterfall is more secretive than the two downriver as rarely do you get a look at its entire length. At a few scattered
points along the trail, you can see five tiers of Upper Falls, but only in fleeting glimpses. When you reach an exposed
outcrop of basalt boulders across from the fall, you can see the multi-tiers as they plunge into a rocky bowl with surreal
looking circular pools colored in a remarkable shade of aquamarine.
At Upper
Falls, the quiet river gathers itself into a massive stone chute, charging the waters within an enormous vortex energy
field before they spill into the mystical and exotic-looking circular turquoise pool far below. The native Indians knew this sacred place as a vision quest and shamanic journey site. Awesome and powerful, the mysteries of this sacred site waits the journeyer's
Medicine Lake-- is considered a very sacred body of water to Native American sites. It lies in
the large crater of an inative volcano that is larger in mass than Mt Shasta. The local tribes at one time had their
summer camps here. For a while it was called Crystal Lake but white man changed it to Medicine lake because of its healing
qualities. At 7600 feet, Medicine Lake is a forest enclosed, crystal pool of awesome grandeur. As one walks the
shores, the sudden flight of bald eagles will break the echo of silence and bring about the eagle totem energy. The
Native legends talk of the visitations of Rainbow Woman who comes to the shores; she is also known as the Butterfly Woman.
Lady of the Garden-- A more recent addition to the Mout Shasta region, this peace garden is dedicated by the Mother Mary
to world peace. This is a spiritual place for meditation and prayer and also hosts spiritual workshops and musical gatherings.
The garden features a statue of Mother Mary as Our Lady of the Nations who overseas a star tetrahedron matrix of rock, pansies
and other flowers where the colors represent all the races of earth. There is a double pond and waterfall with a spiritual
gazebo hosted by Quan Yin known as the Goddess of Mercy.
Pluto Caves-- is a very ancient sacred site where many people
from all cultures have had strange and mystical experiences. It is also beleived by many to be an
inter-dimensional doorway to the world of spirit as well as a holding place of unusual inner-earth energies. These caves
were home to inter-tribal Native American groups. The land around the cave is sacred to the Native Americans who still
come here occasionally to pray and hold ceremony.
At one time, Pluto Caves were busy with tribal life. The main cave was used for community
living; the cave to its right was used for child birthing events. There are burial grounds nearby as well. These
are distinguishable by a grouping of shallow holes dug into the ground. This inter-tribal group of Native Americans
were known to travel through these underground tubes from as far away as Oregon. There are many mysteries and legends
of underground passageways that lead to Mt Shasta and other far-away sacred sites. Vision quests are very common here and
the Lemurians have been known to frequent this area. Many have seen mysterious people vanishing into hidden
parts of this vast and unchartered cave network.
Sacramento Headwaters-- have a strangely calming effect on people who come to this power spot.
There is a vortex energy here where it is said that when one sits by these waters one can learn faith in the perception of
the universe and all that is within it. Angelic beings have been seen here and healings have also occurred from people
all over the world. The common thread of restoration and health flows from accepting one's intrinsic perfection just
as one accepts the flowing waters. These headwaters are formed by a large spring of pure water ruching up and out a rocky hillside
and into a moss-lined sparkling pool. The water quickly spills out over the rocks and begins the huge Sacramento River.
This power spot is a concentration of many energies that begin an eco-system of many living systems.
Stewart Mineral Springs-- is nestled in a spectacular forest canyon where the sun shines through the
cedar, fir and pine trees surrounding Parks Creek, a pure rushing mountain stream. These waters not only have healing
properties but the water is unique in its chemical and EM (electro-magnetic) vibration. It was originally discovered and used as a sacred healing spot by Native Americans. The mineral
springs are to this day considered to be some of the most powerful healing waters of the world. The therapeutic mountain
retreat was founded in 1875 by Henry Stewart who was brought to the medicine grounds ailing and on the verge of death.
He regained his health and atributed it to the miraculous healing qualities of the waters and the spiritual environment that
surrounds the springs.
Belief is strong within the Native American tribes that Stewart Mineral Springs should always be
shared. People come from all over the world to bath in this mineral water as there are many stories of miraculous healings.
This site has many spirits of the native ancestors that can be seen and experienced. This mountainous area
is also well-known for UFO's, light beings, guardians and nature divas.
